1. Token query

This section provides guidance on building single-token queries in EANC:

1.1. Wordform, lexeme, and translation queries
1.2. Gram query
1.3. Advanced query features
1.4. Wildcards and logical functions

1.1. Wordform, lexeme, and translation queries

The three tabs on the EANC main search form form allow you to select three different types of single-token queries. The first two options allow you to search for occurrences of a specific wordform (e.g. մարդու mardu) or for occurrences of all wordforms of a specific lexeme (e.g. մարդ  mard, մարդու  mardu, մարդիկ  mardik and so on for the lexeme մարդ  mard).  

The third option (Translation tab) is to search for occurrences of lexemes by their English equivalents. In this mode, EANC will look for occurrences of tokens whose translations begin with the English word or expression (such as phrasal verb, idiom etc.) indicated in the query. In the EANC wordlist, most lexemes are associated with their English equivalents. By default, the search will only return the tokens whose primary translation matches the word in the query; if all lexical items whose translation may include a particular English equivalent are needed, the query should be preceded by a *.  To look for complex meanings expressed by a combination of words, enclose the query in quotation marks (e.g. "bring up" or "*pick up").

To pose a query, choose the corresponding tab, then type in the wordform, the lexeme or the English word in the token query line, and click the Search button.

See query example

1.2. Gram query

EANC allows queries based on a specific grammatical attribute or a combination of attributes (e.g. passive imperfective converbs). You can aso limit your search to a specific inflection type. Please refer to the complete list of grammatical categories used by EANC.

To pose this type of query, click the Gram & Lexical Attributes link under the token query line to open the Gram Selection window. Specify the grammatical attributes and/or inflection type (in the Inflection type field) and click OK. The tags for the selected attributes will appear in the gram query line. If you have also selected specific inflection type, it will appear in the small field to the right of the gram query line.

Grammatical attributes in the Gram Selection window are grouped into categories such as Part of speech, Nominalization, Case, Number, etc. Each category is visually placed in a separate area.

If you select two or more attributes within the same category, the search will return token occurrences that have at least one of the specified attributes. The only exception is the Valency changing derivation; if both medial (passive) and causative are selected, EANC will find verbs that are both causative and mediopassive. The following gram query will find all tokens in nominative or locative cases:

If you select attributes that belong to different categories, only tokens possessing all of the specified attributes will be returned. The following gram query will find all tokens tagged as both singular and definite:


You can also restrict your search to specific semantic types of pronouns, nouns, numerals or verbs by clicking the Lexical categories tab.

If several features under the Lexical categories tab are selected by the user, they are combined in the query via logical 'or'. The only exception to this is “interrogative”, which combines with any other selection under Proforms and results in gram query lines such as ‘S,intrg’ for interrogative independent (substantive) pronouns like ով ‘who’.

If you want to combine several search criteria from the two different tabs (as for example when looking for plurals of first names), check the required position(s) under one of the tabs, then go to the other tab (without clicking OK) and check the rest of the search criteria; then click OK. The sets of features selected under different tabs will be in ‘and’ relation to each other.


In the examples above the tokens returned by the queries were specified solely by their grammatical and/or lexical attributes. You can further restrict such search to the wordforms of a particular lexeme. To do this, select the grammatical attributes as before and enter a lexeme in the token query line. Such search query returns the wordforms of the specified lexeme that have the selected grammatical attributes. Thus, searching for տուն  tun in singular definite yields such forms as nominative տունը  tunə and տունն  tunn , dative տանը  tanə etc.

See query example

Selecting attributes in the Gram Selection window generates a search expression that appears in the gram query line of the main search form. This expression can be further edited directly without opening the Gram Selection window. Please note, that the gram query line is not case-sensitive and ignores spaces.

1.3. Advanced query features

Click Advanced under Gram & Lexical Attributes to introduce additional search criteria. These include:

  • Punctuation marks preceding or following the token, as well as punctiation marks located inside the wordform (՞, ՛, ՜)
  • Position of the token in the sentence (beginning, end, neither)
  • Case sensitivity
  • Lexical and grammatical ambiguity

The Ambiguity drop-down menu allows choosing whether matches with multiple analyses are included in the query results. There are two types of ambiguity in the corpus. Grammatical ambiguity can be exemplified by the form գրել grel, which may be interpreted as either the perfective converb or the infinitive of the verb գրել grel ‘write’. An example of lexical (interlexical) ambiguity is the form հարգի hargi, which may be interpreted as the adjective ‘respectable’ or the 3rd person present subjunctive of the verb հարգել hargel ‘respect’. Setting the Ambiguity field to “disallowed” will exclude both types of ambiguity. Choosing “allow interlexical” would include results with lexical ambiguity, while rejecting the ones with grammatical ambiguity.


See query example

1.4. Wildcards and logical functions

In the token query line, you may use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard for any sequence of characters. Wildcards may be used under both Wordform and Lexeme tabs.

See query example

By default, entering a word under the Translation tab will only return matches for which that word is the first (primary) in the list of English translations. If you'd like to find matches that may have a particular English word anywhere in their list of translations, place an asterisk (*) in front of that word in the Translation tab. As an example,, typing “woman” will yield only occurences of the word կին ‘woman, wife’, while “*woman” will return occurences of կին ‘woman, wife’, օրիորդ ‘girl, unmarried woman’, etc.

In the token query line, you can use logical 'OR' (|) to search for occurencies of any of several alternative wordforms or lexemes. You can also use logical 'NOT' (~) to exclude specific wordforms or lexemes.

In the gram query line, in addition to the logical 'NOT' (~) and 'OR' (|), you may also use logical 'AND' (,). Once one or more grammatical and/or lexical attributes have been selected in the Gram Selection window, a corresponding logical expression is generated automatically in the gram query line. Note that relational nouns, converbs, and participles in EANC correspond to multiple tags

See query example

Please note that some queries that use * or logical ‘NOT’ (such as *ան or ~մարդ ) may be computationally complex, resulting in longer execution times.